The following scenario happens at least once a day in our household. Each time that I head to the bathroom, Bella and Lulu follow me so as not to miss all the fantastically interesting things that happen in the bathroom. Bella usually plants herself down right in front of the door so that she can make sure that no harm comes to me and/or to prevent my escape through the small window above the tub. Lulu sits behind her, presumably helping to hold up the wall.
After I am finished putting my hair in a ponytail, washing my hands, or doing whatever one may do in the bathroom, I step over Bella and head to wherever I am going (usually my computer). After a few minutes, I will begin to hear a low whine/cry coming from the hallway. As per usual, the volume and intensity will continue to escalate until I go to see what, pray tell, could possibly be going on.
What is going on is that Lulu wants to get past Bella but is too scared to do so. There is, most likely, plenty of room for her to pass, but Lulu will sit there until Bella moves, at which point she will bolt past her, another dicey situation narrowly averted. This same situation happens in the car when Bella decides to lay down across the backseat, forcing Lulu to the back and away from the window that she is so keen to stick her mini-head out of.
Most interesting to me is the fact that, for the most part, Bella is incredibly tolerant of Lulu. Just this morning, Lulu was trying to force Bella into playing with her by standing about 3 inches from Bella's head and barking her incredibly high-pitched bark incessantly straight into Bella's ear. Bella just sat there calmly ignoring the fact that Lulu exists, while I, on the other hand, was furiously Googling puppy voice box removal on the internet.
There are times when Lulu does get growled at, but that is usually when Bella is sleeping and Lulu strays a bit too close to Bella's rear end. I can only assume that Bella is somehow communicating some warning to Lulu that I am not aware of. Now, all I have to do is figure out how to channel some Bella mojo for myself then BAM, they won't know what hit them and I'll be playing them like a fiddle (I do realize this whole scenario is highly unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to dream).
Hi I love your blog! It's so funny. My dogs Bella and Georgia do the same thing. Bella loves to follow me into the bathroom@
Someone just gave me the link to your blog and I have to agree with the commenter above, I love it! I've bookmarked it. I love your South Park reference. haha. Anyway I'd like to feature your blog on mine sometime, I'm trying to compile a bunch of dog related blogs in general.
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