Dear Lulu,
I thought that the time has come for us to have a little talk. It has come to my attention that maybe you have become just a tad too interested in the potty goings on of both yourself and others.
While it is quite amusing to watch you in your tripod potty pose straining and contorting your neck to be able to view what is happening back there in realtime, given that you go potty several times a day and are now over 8 months old, I would think that maybe you would have realized by now that, yes, the same thing comes out every time. It's like you think that maybe, just maybe, one time you'll look back and be pooping jerky bones. I hate to break it to you little Lu, but I don't think it's gonna happen and, if it does, you'll still be the first to know, whether you're looking at the exact moment or not. Meanwhile, losing your balance while trying to see and falling into your poop on a daily basis is not cool.
I have also been asked by Bella, and a host of other dogs that have been intruded upon, to suggest that maybe it would be possible for you to back off a bit while other dogs are doing their business. Running up to dogs in the park and putting your face 2 inches from their junk mid-business is not especially appropriate behavior. Might I suggest that you could establish say a 4-foot privacy zone around all potty-going dogs, which you could stay outside of until all processes have been completed. Then, have at it, and explore to your hearts content. I promise your won't be missing out on much.
Lastly, both Scott and I would like to request that the privacy zone apply to us also. I know it might be a surprise to you, but having you run up to me and literally try and stick your entire head between my legs while I am "otherwise occupied" seems just slightly weird to me. I mean maybe it's just me, but I'm not really comfortable with it.
Please know that I am in no way trying to stifle your, shall we say, uniqueness. I promise that, even if you adjust this one idiosyncrasy, you will still remain plenty "unique." Plenty.
1 comment:
Once Lulu figures out to respect the "otherwise occupied" boundary, perhaps she can teach my Clara dog.
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