Bella has been battling a weight issue for a while, about 3 years. About 3 weeks ago, at her vet appointment, she got on a scale for the first time in those few years. Like any reasonable girl, she loathes scales and has just refused to get on one so I just guessed her weight. I always said about 85 pounds. This time the vet tech lifted her onto the scale and I about fell over when the scale said 99 pounds!!!!
Over the years we have tried everything to get the weight off and nothing has worked. We even went as far as hiring a
"doggy personal trainer." She already had a fabulous dog walker but this guy ran with the dogs. If you look at the website you'll see photos of him running with groups of dogs. What you won't see is a photo of Bella. Why? He probably forgot to pick her up that day (and several others).
We tried different foods, reduced the amount she was eating, got her thyroid tested, exercised her more, but still nothing. When she was boarding with her breeder I got an email (on vacation) calling me an irresponsible pet owner. I know she had Bella's best interest at heart, but I was crushed as I live for this dog and was trying everything I knew to get the weight off.
So fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and I finally decided that I was going to try the raw diet for her. I am not really into handling raw meat, even for my dinner, so I chose the "cheaters" raw diet which is already made up and frozen into patties for you. In the first 2 weeks she lost 3.5 lbs and I am thrilled. I am starting to see a difference and there is a definite increase in her energy level. I personally don't care what she looks like but I want her to be healthy and live forever like she promised me she would do.

Not a very good before picture but you get the idea. Also, my car is NOT emerald green. I know it looks emerald green but I really wouldn't buy an emerald green car. Not that there is anything wrong with it.