Both Lulu & Bella love chewing sticks. In fact, Lu loves sticks so much that I got to wake up at 5:30 am to clean up a pile of sticks that she threw up (we're still working on the don't swallow the stick part).
On Monday, we arrived at the parking area for our hike and the lot was full. The only time the lot is ever full on weekdays is, once a month, when a group of "older" folks come out for a hike. They are very friendly and we have never had a problem, with the exception of one time, when I spent a few minutes chatting with a few of them and Bella took that to mean that they were now part of our group (Bella likes keeps track of whomever is in our group and waits for the stragglers). It took about 1/2 mile for me to convince her that they were not, in fact, part of our pack and that she could proceed without the 30 elderly hikers in tow.
On this day, the group was smaller and I pulled the dogs over to the side to let them pass. They all said hello and were walking past when Lulu noticed that several of them were using walking sticks/ hiking poles. Well, Lu set her sights on one man's stick and proceeded to do her BADUMP, BADUMP, BADUMP puppy approach, grabbed the bottom of his pole and tried and take it from him. All the other hikers thought that this was quite funny, but the owner of the pole? Not so much. So he starts trying to poke her to get her away from his pole but, of course, she took this to mean, "let's play," went down into play bow, grabbed the pole in her mouth and began violently shaking her head. After more shaking by Lu and pole poking by the man, I managed to wrestle her away from this poor man's pole and walked away. Actually, Lulu pranced away proudly, while I quickly scurried away, symbolic tail tucked between my legs