So it seems that little Lu may be going through some sort of mental breakdown. Last weekend it was the scary scary ribbons and today she has decided to add the television to her list of evil-doers. That would be the same television, in the same place, doing the same thing that it always has.
She has been sitting on her pillow growling at the tv for about an hour and a half now. Well, that might not be fair, she only growls when something on the tv moves. Needless to say, I am about to completely lose it. Even Bella has started to give her dirty looks.
Maybe, like Scott, she thinks that I may not have the greatest taste in television programming. Is it possible that the two of them could be in cahoots and this is some sad little attempt to try and make me turn off the tv and clean the house? I'm going to put on Animal Planet and see if that helps. Otherwise, it may be Puppy For Sale. Dirt. Cheap.
Update: Rob Lowe just came on Oprah and Lulu is going crazy. Apparently not a fan. I guess she is too young to appreciate his work as Billy in St. Elmo's Fire.