It starts at 7am, after breakfast. Bella heads back to bed to take a nap. Yes, she just woke up, but that is the joy of Bella. Meanwhile, Lulu proceeds to take out all the dry cleaning I have stashed in the back of my closet and place it randomly about the house. It just dawned on me that I could solve this problem by actually taking my dry cleaning to the cleaners but, realistically, that probably won't happen. Next, it is on to the shoes. Today, another flip flop was the hapless victim, along with 2 pens, a birthday card, and the fringe of a blanket.
I came up with the solution of taking Lulu to the hike and bike trail and walking 4 miles while Bella is taking her morning nap. Lulu is used to hiking off-leash so being on a leash for 4 miles is new to her, as is having to stay on one side of the trail, not being able to say hello to every dog and person on the trail, and not being able to chase squirrels willy-nilly.
She is doing pretty good with a few exceptions. Halfway through the walk is the off-leash area where dogs can swim. She jumps into the water and swims around until I make her leave. This is where it all goes downhill. Something about the water makes her crazy. Literally. She gets out with a renewed vigor that is frightening. Literally. She jumps around, all four paws off the ground, flailing through the air like a Mexican jumping bean. Not once, not twice, but many many times.
Imagine people staring at you because they think your dog is a nutter. Imagine sheepishly looking at the pity in their eyes and trying to explain that she isn't "really like this," that she is actually a pretty good dog. They look at you and nod, thinking that if this is a good dog to you then maybe you are the nutter. So I lasso her in the best I can and move on to the second half of the walk, head lowered, avoiding all eye-contact.
We get in the car, head home. It is now 9am and I am already tired. I open the door to be met by Bella patiently waiting, the look in her eyes saying, "Yea! You're finally home. I'm ready to go out now. Let's go have some fun."
Please send help.